MATLAB: How to halt program until file input

halt programinput image

Hi, I am making an image processing program and want to know if there is a way to halt the program and make it wait for a image to be created before it is read. To put it into context,
imagefiles = dir('*.jpg');
nfiles = length(imagefiles);
for a = 1:200
filename = ['image-' num2str(a,'%02d') '.jpg'];
image = imread(filename);
I understand pause(n) might work but because the inputted images take different times to be snapped, I would like to make it dependent on when the file appears.
Any suggestions would be great!

Best Answer

You could put in a while loop checking whether the file exist().
count = 0;
while exist(filename)==0
count = count+1;
if count ==10000
disp('no file was generated in allowed time');
I also put in a simple time out as well. I suggest you put in a