MATLAB: How to group transforms in matlab’s Simulink 3D Animation v-realm builder

MATLABSimulink 3D Animationtransformsv-realm builder

Hello, I'm new to v-realm builder and I'm having trouble using it. I drew a car model using another graphical program and then I imported it to v-realm builder. Accordingly, the created file is made of too many transforms and groups to form the complex design. My goal is to be able to group all these transforms into one transform so I can move it and resize it as one object because I will be using it with Simulink 3D Animation.
Any help is appreciated, Thanks, Yahia

Best Answer

A few options that come to my mind are:
a. Open up the VRML file in a text editor and add a parent transform to the car transform manually
b. Instead of using V-Realm Builder, use the 3D World Editor, which is part of newer versions of Simulink 3D Animation product. It allows you to right click and cut and move around transforms in the tree view
c. Create a new VRML file and add the car as an INLINE node. This allows you to add an object defined in another VRML file as a single node.