MATLAB: How to graphicall​y/interact​ively select region of interest from 3D point cloud data

Computer Vision Toolboxgraphical selectionpcshowptcloudroi

I am working with 3d point cloud data and interested in graphically selecting regions of interest from MATLAB figures. A possible scenario could be changing the view to one of the planes (e.g. XY plane) and drawing some contours or geometric shapes using cursor as shown below. Then selected datapoints should be stored in a workspace variable.
I found something similar for images (2d figures) but not sure how to that for 3d point cloud data.
Is something like this can be done in MATLAB?

Best Answer

In newer versions of matlab there seems to be just such a feature, see: ROI.CUBOID
For older versions of matlab (I vaguely recall) there might be versions of ginput with extended 3-D capabilities on the file exchange: ginput-extensions