MATLAB: How to graph a connectivity/adjacency matrix

connectivitygraphgraph theoryNetwork

I want to graph the structure of a network (a power grid). I have a list containing to-from nodes for each branch.
The BIOGRAPH function is almost perfect. The drawback is that the lines always go out the "bottom" of the ancestor block, and into the "top" of the descendant. As an ancestor is always displayed above its descendants, the graphs are sometimes very chaotic.
It would be much better if the graph was plotted in a way that just showed which nodes were connected, without any hierarchy, and where lines could be horizontal.
Edit: I need to be able to assign different colors to various lines / nodes, to visualize voltage issues or overloads etc, similar to what I've done using biograph (code below).
Is this possible? It doesn't need to be a perfect solution, any improvements would be great.
This is the code I use now:
%%Plot biograph
Sys = sparse(from,to,1,s,s);
SysTri = tril(Sys + Sys');
bg = biograph(SysTri,ids,'ShowArrows','off','ShowWeights','off');
h = view(bg);
%%Color faulted line:
set(h.nodes(newFaultNodes),'Color',[1 0.4 0.4]);
fowEdges = getedgesbynodeid(h,get(h.Nodes(newFaultNodes),'ID'));
revEdges = getedgesbynodeid(h,get(h.Nodes(fliplr(newFaultNodes)),'ID'));
edges = [fowEdges;revEdges];
set(edges,'LineColor',[1 0 0])

Best Answer

Would gplot work for the basic setup? By default, the code doesn't allow the edge color modifications that you mention, but the code can be modified pretty easily to allow this (I've written a version that allows this, and can post it to the FEX if this is the type of thing you had in mind).
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