MATLAB: How to give option to change plot properties(e.g. color, line width, line style) in matlab app designer

MATLABmatlab app designerMATLAB Compilerplot properties

This will be similer to figure properties option available if graph is plotted in a matlab script.
Like shown in below figure…we can change the lineWidth and color of chosen line graph if we plot it using matlab scripts. I want give option like this in my app developed using matlab app designer

Best Answer

Hi Vinayak,
You can customize the plot in a app developed in MATLAB app designer by setting the properties of the plot. For example,
- Let us assume that a line is plotted on the UIAxes in app designer as follows,
plot(app.UIAxes, 1:2:10, 1:5:25);
- The properties of the plotted line can be set as follows,
% get the handles to the plotted lines
h = app.UIAxes.Children;
% get handle of a single line plot
line1 = h(1);
% change the properties of the line plot based on user input.
line1.Color = 'r';
line1.LineWidth = 2;
User input can be taken from a 'edit field' or 'drop down'.
Here is a link to a similar question.
Hope this helps