MATLAB: How to give different combinations of inputs within the program( i want to skip input questions)

random number generator

i have a program to which i am giving two sets of inputs at a time and getting two outputs combined in a column(set 1 output on top and then set 2 output) . but every time i have to enter these two set of values in command window.
for example, if i want to enter——
set 1. for f= 7,
enter c0= 1, r0= 3
set 2. for f= 9,
enter c0= 2, r0= 4
*how can i give these inputs within the program in form of sets ?
n in program shows number of input sets* Please see the program attached

Best Answer

As reshdev had indicated in his last comment, i want to skip input questions and pass matrix like you written, then we can update the online function to accept one input only which will be a nx3 matrix where the first column is f, the second column c0, and the third column r0.
function online(inputData)
% set n based on the number of rows
n = size(inputData,1);
% row index into inputData
ridx = 1;
r = 5;
t = r-1;
output = zeros(n*r,r);
for ii = 1:r:r*n
M = zeros(t);
% initialize f, c0, r0 from row ridx of inputData
f = inputData(ridx,1);
c0 = inputData(ridx,2);
r0 = inputData(ridx,3);
ridx = ridx + 1;
% etc., rest is same
With the example input of
inputData = [7 1 3;
9 2 4];
produces identical results to the function that queried the user to input data n times.