MATLAB: How to give degree symbol in XTicklabel in a bar graph

bar graphdegree symbolxticklabel

I used the following code in Matlab 2013b to give degree symbol in X-axis tick label.
set(gca,'XTicklabel',{'Neat PP';'0^{\circ}';'30^{\circ}';'45^{\circ}';'60^{\circ}';'90^{\circ}'})
It did not help me (please see attached figure). Can anyone please give me solution? Thank you.

Best Answer

set(gca,'XTicklabel',{'Neat PP'; [sprintf('0%c', char(176))];[sprintf('30%c', char(176))];[sprintf('45%c', char(176))];[sprintf('60%c', char(176))];[sprintf('90%c', char(176))]})