MATLAB: How to get X and Y coordinates from a Sparse Matrix

image processingMATLABmatrixsparse

Hey all,
I want to get X and Y coordinates of an image, so that I can generate the graph in an Excel File with those coordinates. I used below code to process an binary image:
img = imread(app.SelectImageEditField.Value);
Icomplement = imcomplement(img);
Icomplement = rgb2gray(Icomplement);
BW = imbinarize(Icomplement, 'adaptive');
out2 = bwskel(BW,'MinBranchLength',15);
BW2 = bwperim(out2,8);
Then I used the following code lines to get a digital graph:
M = sparse(BW2);
Now I want to grab the equivalent X and Y coordinates of this sparse matrix so that I can generate the same graph in Excel. Please suggest a solution. Thank you.

Best Answer

If A is your sparse matrices. You can get positions using:
[y,x] = find(A) ; % x, y are the positons/indices of non-zeros