MATLAB: How to get VideoReader working on Ubuntu 17.04

codecgstreamerUbuntuubuntu 17.04videoreader

I am struggling to get VideoReader working on Ubuntu 17.04. If I enter in the command:
v = VideoReader('flame.avi')
I get the following
Error using VideoReader/init (line 619)
Could not read file due to an unexpected error. Reason: Unable to initialize the video obtain properties
I have checked the MATLAB community for answers, and it appears that the most common problem is not having gstreamer0.10 installed. See: and
However, with Ubuntu 17.04, I have not yet found a way to install this package (it is pretty old, and people are switching to gstreamer1.0 and above). See
Surely there is another package that can get VideoReader to work? If not, then does anyone have any suggestions to try and install gstreamer0.10?

Best Answer

A colleague of mine found a link to a post that solved my problem
Essentially, you need to redirect MATLAB and tell it to not use its default libstdc++6 file and use your Linux system's instead. I went with the solution at the bottom, and wrote an alias for my .bashrc file.
alias matlab='LD_PRELOAD=/usr/loib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/bin/matlab -desktop'
After testing it out, I have confirmed that it works now.