MATLAB: How to get value of X based on a specific value of Y in Graph

MATLABmatlab graph plots xvaluebasedongivenyalue

How to get value of X based on a specific value of Y in Graph
for example
x = [ 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 ];
y= [ -77.4236 -91.4051 -105.387 -119.368 -133.35 -147.331 -161.313 -175.294 -189.276 -203.258 ]
and i have to find at what value of x i m getting y value of 100 or any negative value of Y.

Best Answer

x100 = interp1(y, x, 100, 'linear', 'extrap')