MATLAB: How to get user inputs into a single vector

for loopsloopingvectorswhile loops

for orders = [0:1:y]
disp(' ')
str3 = 'The coefficient of x^';
str4 = ' is ';
alltogether = [str3 num2str(orders) str4];
Part of the code im writing performs the above task, where y is variable depending previously what a user inputs. After the user has completed this section i would like all the numbers to be collated into a single vector form, like so;
The polynomial of interest has order 3.
The coefficient of x^0 is 1
The coefficient of x^1 is 2
The coefficient of x^2 is 3
The coefficient of x^3 is 4
P = [1 2 3 4]
Please and thanks

Best Answer

Before the loop:
count = 0;
In the loop,
count = count + 1;
P(count) = input(alltogether);