MATLAB: How to get TRUE/FLASE to work for arrays of cells with mixed string and integer values


I have a 1×14 cell array:
data{1} = 9 9 NaN 6 19 8 17 7 15 31 6 18 4 13
I am trying to apply a T/F logic test to it:
tf = data{1} == NaN;
But I get 1×14 vector of zeroes, doesn't seem to work for non-integers.
Whats the best way to check for a string value?
The end goal is to remove the cells containing 'NaN' from the array.
Thank you!

Best Answer

NaN is not a string, but is the symbol for Not-A-Number. For example, 0/0 will produce NaN. To remove the nans, do something like this:
data{1} = [9 9 NaN 6 19 8 17 7 15 31 6 18 4 13];
data{1} = data{1}(~isnan(data{1}))
If, rather than remove the nans you wish to replace them with something like zero, to this:
data{1} = [9 9 NaN 6 19 8 17 7 15 31 6 18 4 13];
data{1}(isnan(data{1})) = 0