MATLAB: How to get the size of a region in an image

cell arraysimage analysisloopMATLAB

How can I get the size of the green region in the image??
By using funtion any() and sum() on my mask index
Or any other ways that the experts can come up with.
Thank you for your help.
img1 = imread(pic)
red1 = img1(:,:,1);
green1 = img1(:,:,2);
blue1 = img1(:,:,3);
get_green = red1 == 0 & green1 == 255 & blue1 == 0;
sup_mask = cat(3,get_green,get_green,get_green);

Best Answer

I can counts the number of pixels of that region
%Please note that white portion also there in both side of fridge
% Crop it or you can discard specifically
[rows colm]=size(im)
threshold_vale=?? % sme value try with the image
% Segmnet the Green part
% Now you have binary image with white "1" pixels, on that green region
% You can replicate that number in cm also with co-relate with size of the original image
If you looking for length, in such case, if you know the complete size of fridge,
then you can comparitively find it from tot_pix and rows*colm of the fridge.
Hope it helps!