MATLAB: How to get the position of the highest numbers of a vector

highest values

Hi everyone,
Does anyone know how to get the position of 4 highest numbers of a vector? For example,
a = randn(10,1)
a =
Clearly the four highest numbers are 1.1812 , 0.5864 , 0.1784 and -0.1969. That correspond to element 2,10,8 and 9, respectively. How can I get this sequence in a vector form, ie 4×1?
Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

>> [mx,ix]=sort(a,'descend');
>> N=4;
>> num2str([ix(1:N) mx(1:N) ],'Posn %2d Value %7.4f')
ans =
Posn 2 Value 1.1812
Posn 10 Value 0.5864
Posn 8 Value 0.1784
Posn 9 Value -0.1969