MATLAB: How to get the Port selected within the Architecture Model in System Composer

System Composer

How to get the Port selected within the Architecture Model in System Composer?
This means you would like to get an object in the Workspace, this would be necessary for example to change the Stereotype programmatically.

Best Answer

Right now there is no function implemented to do so.
But here you can find the files which are able to resolve the issue.
The first part is p-coded, because there are undocumented features in the script. We try to document these features in a future release in order to show the whole API.
The function is used to get the Port Handles inside the editor.
In order to use the functions, please download the attached files and run the function 'getSelectedPort' while having one or more Ports selected.
Then you will get the selected ports as an object in the MATLAB Base Workspace.
The API from System Composer which was used to write the function is documented here: