MATLAB: How to get the number of logical cores – parallel computing toolbox

coreshyperthreadinglogical coresparallel computingParallel Computing Toolbox

Is there a programmatic way to get the number of logical cores? The feature command shows me this in text, but I want a way to directly access the number. The code below returns the number of physical cores. Is there a similar way to do this for logical cores?
numcores = feature('numcores')
numcores =
MATLAB detected: 2 physical cores.
MATLAB detected: 4 logical cores.
MATLAB was assigned: 4 logical cores by the OS.
MATLAB is using: 2 logical cores.
MATLAB is not using all logical cores because hyper-threading is enabled.
ans =

Best Answer

Hi Miles,
One way would be to use 'evalc', which is like 'eval' but can redirect command window output. You need to double up on single quotes inside the outer quotes, so
core_info = evalc('feature(''numcores'')');
will give you a string variable containing " MATLAB detected .... etc. etc. " which you could then parse to get the number you want.