MATLAB: How to get the mean of always 4 columns

arrayhomeworkMATLAB and Simulink Student Suitemeanstepwise

I have a 527040 x 16 double array
I need the row mean of always 4 clomuns
So I need the row mean of column 1:4 5:8 9:12 13:16
So I want the mean([1:4],2) and mean([5:8],2)
but i dont want to wirte it down in that way. I need an more automatic way to do it
any ideas?

Best Answer

AA=permute(reshape(A.',4,1,[]),[2,1,3]); % where A is size 527040 X 16
% if you want to reshape it as matrix then
% reshape(AAA,size(A,1),[]) %% edit removed transpose