MATLAB: How to get the MATLAB editor to display and read characters in another encoding


I need to read some m file written with comments in Japanses. However since my system locale is in Chinese, the comments displayed in the MATLAB editor is a total mess. When I change my system locale to Japanese, those comments can be displayed in the MATLAB editor correctly. I think those m file is in some Japanses enoding like Shift_JIS or EUC_JP, not in UNICODE. Can I solve this problem without changing my system locale?

Best Answer

As dpb menstioned, the answer is ... no.
As you expected, 'ja_JP.Shift_JIS' is used for Japanese encoding in Windows OS with Japanese locale.
you can confirm your MATLAB system encoding using following command:
feature locale
As a workaround, please try to use an external text editor which can change text encoding.