MATLAB: How to get the Histogram datatip in when trying to get “Update Text Update Fcn…”


The default datatip when you turn on the datacursor shows Bin values if you have a histogram. I would like to make my own function building upon this, however, when I do "Update Text Update Fcn…" I get the other kind of datatip for other plots that shows x, y, z not bins. How do I get a sample of a datatip for histograms? I searched the internet with not hits.

Best Answer

Amber - you can try the following. It was tested with the first two examples from hist and so may not be foolproof...but it is a start! :) Just paste this body into that for the Text Update Function.
% get the position data
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
% start the tip text
output_txt = {['Bin Count: ',num2str(pos(2),4)],''};
% get the xdata to determine the bar stats
xdata = get(event_obj.Target,'XData');
% get the child handles to see how many bars there are per bin (need
% to handle multi-bar per bin differently the single bar per bin case)
if ~isempty(xdata) && ~isempty(childhandles)
% get the bar width, min and max values
minx = min(xdata(:));
maxx = max(xdata(:));
diff = xdata(1,2)-xdata(1,1);
numchildren = length(childhandles);
lowbnd = 0;
uppbnd = 0;
binctr = 0;
if numchildren==1
% only one bar per bin, so easy to determine the lower and upper bounds for
% the bar
lowbnd = pos(1)-diff/2;
uppbnd = pos(1)+diff/2;
binctr = pos(1);
% else more than one bar per bin
% note that left-most bar corresponds to the last child, and
% right-most bar corresponds to the first child
% get the far edges of the last bar in each set of numchildren bars
faredges = get(childhandles(1),'XData');faredges=faredges(3,:);
% get the near edges of the first bar in each set of numchildren
% bars
nearedges = get(childhandles(end),'XData');nearedges=nearedges(1,:);
% determine the centres for each group of numchildren bars
barcentres = (faredges+nearedges)/2;
% determine the intervals for each bar centre
if length(barcentres)>1
barintervals = [-Inf (barcentres(2:end)+barcentres(1:end-1))/2 Inf];
elseif length(barcentres)==1
barintervals = [-Inf,Inf];
% find the lower and upper bounds for the data
ubidx = find(barintervals>=pos(1),1);
lbidx = ubidx-1;
lowbnd = barintervals(lbidx);
uppbnd = barintervals(ubidx);
binctr = barcentres(lbidx);
if lowbnd<=minx
lowbnd = -Inf;
if uppbnd>=maxx
uppbnd = Inf;
% finish the tip text
output_txt = [output_txt {['Bin Center: ', num2str(binctr,4)], ...
['Bin Edges: [', num2str(lowbnd,4), ...
', ', num2str(uppbnd,4),']']}];
Try the above and see what happens!
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