MATLAB: How to get the full MATLAB Mapping Toolbox? Some functions appear to be missing.

Mapping Toolboxundefined function

I am trying to use the Matlab Mapping Toolbox to learn geoplotting and geocoding, but it appears that some functions are not able to be referenced. When I do license(inuse) it returns;
But the only map toolbox function that worked was gpxread.
help geodensityplot
geodensityplot not found.
help geobasemap
geobasemap not found.
When I run geoplot, geodensityplot, basemap, or any of those seemingly important functions, it tells me Function not defined.
Undefined function or variable 'geobasemap'.
Any insight? Really want to get started on learning this stuff since its pretty exciting.

Best Answer

geodensityplot() was introduced in R2018b.