MATLAB: How to get the expected Hessian variance-covariance matrix from vgxvarx

Econometrics Toolboxhessian variance-covariance matrixvgxvarx

I wish to perform a Wald test on a VAR model and I need the parameter covariance estimate. On the page I read the following: "The estimation function for multivariate models, vgxvarx, returns the expected Hessian variance-covariance matrix". However, I can only find the standard errors in EstStdErrors. How to get the expected Hessian variance-covariance matrix from vgxvarx?

Best Answer

Hi Lisa,
The parameter covariance matrix is not an output variable of VGXVARX, while the standard errors are returned as the second output argument. The parameter covariance matrix is indeed computed inside VGXVARX using the expected Hessian variance-covariance matrix.
There is a simple way that you may retrieve the covariance matrix.
In the command window, type: edit vgxvarx
Then save a copy of the function in a folder that MATLAB can recognize, say the current directory. It is up to you whether to rename it or not.
Replace the first line [EstSpec,EstSE,logL,W] = vgxvarx(Spec,Y,X,Y0,varargin) by an additional output argument “xvar”:
[EstSpec,EstSE,logL,W,xvar] = vgxvarx(Spec,Y,X,Y0,varargin)
The last output argument is the estimated parameter covariance matrix. It does not change anything inside VGXVARX, but just requests the function to return the intermediate variable xvar, as you might need it for hypothesis testing.
Thank you.
Hang Qian
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