MATLAB: How to get the derivative of a complex function including reshape, max operation

chain rulederivativefmincongradientjacobianmaxminoptimizationreshape

I have a function name I want to optimize with to minimize this function
And I want to provide the gradient of function to speed up the optimization.
The definition of is
function [F] = f(x)
% size(x) = [a*b, 1]
Z = reshape(x, [a, b]); % size(Z)= [a, b]
% size(A) = [c, a]
B = A * Z; % size(B) = [c, b]
% size(C) = [c, b]
D = sum(B.*C, 2); % [c, 1]

E = abs(D).^2; % [c, 1]
F = max(E); % scalar, my objective
I want to use chain rules, but I have the following questions:
  1. I cannot figure an easy way to get the jacobian of , i.e. the reshape function.
  2. the jacobian of
  3. the jacobian of function.
Thank you for your help!!

Best Answer

The Jacobian of B(x) is
The Jacobian of D(B) is,
The max(E) function is not differentiable everywhere, so it is not clear how well fmincon will handle this problem, but at the points where it is differentiable, the Jacobian is,