MATLAB: How to get the coordinates from a certain image.

digital image processingimage processingMATLAB

Hi, I have some problems about getting all the coordinates from a certain image, the code I use is following:
R = imread('B1slicer.jpg');
[C,handle] = imcontour(R);
x = C (1,:);
y = C(2,:);
[K,V] = convhull(x,y);
plot (x,y,'+b',x(K),y(K),'-r');
However, there are some extra points getting extracted, and I donnot know how to solve this problem.
Is there any other methods to solve this problem?

Best Answer

You can use the inequalities and remove them from the points.
idx = y<200 ;
x(idx) = [] ; y(idx) = [] ;
Also you can use below:
I = imread('B1slicer.jpg') ;
[y,x] = find(I) ;