MATLAB: How to get the component list panel back in the MATLAB Report Generator

MATLAB Report Generator

The component list panel in the MATLAB report generator is missing. I only now have the report tree panel and the options panel.

Best Answer

The component list panel can be collapsed by resizing. You should be able to restore the panel by clicking on the divider between the tree panel and options panel (the cursor icon should change to two vertical lines with arrows pointing outward) and dragging it to the left.
Another way to restore the default panel sizes is to manually edit a preference file. The steps are as follows:
1. Execute the following at the MATLAB command prompt:
web(prefdir, '-browser')
This should open a file browser window for the MATLAB preferences directory.
2. Exit MATLAB.
3. Open the file named 'dastudio.prf' in a text editor.
4. In the 'dastudio.prf' file, locate the section of entries preceded by the line [Report Generator].
5. Within the [Report Generator] section locate the line that reads:
MESplitterPositions= ...
Where the equal sign is followed by a series of 6 numbers.
6. Delete the entire line starting with 'MESplitterPositions=' and save the file.
7. Restart MATLAB and the Report Generator. The Report Explorer panel sizes should be restored to their defaults.