MATLAB: How to get the coefficients from FDA Tool block (Simulink) using Matlab Command

DSP System Toolboxfda toolfilter design

Is it possible to extract the coefficients from FDA Tool block (Simulink)to Matlab workspace using Matlab Command? For a special reason, I would not like to use Menu => File => Export. I can use get_param to get value from most of blocks but not FDA Tool.
Also, is it possible to set the parameters of the FDA Tool block (Simulink) from Matlab. For example, – Response Type = Low Pass – Design Method = FIR – Window – Filter Order = 10 – Options = Window = Hann – Frequency Spec = Fs = 48k, Fc = 10k ?
Again, set_param would do in most blocks but FDA, I could not.

Best Answer

If you right-click on the Digital Filter Design block (FDATool block) and 'Look Under Mask', you will see that the block contains a Digital Filter block. Do a get_param(gcb, 'ObjectParameters') on this block and you will be able to see the coefficients.
I do not think it is possible to use set_param to change the FDATool values from MATLAB.