MATLAB: How to get the Character Vector “Name” to display within the text in the fprintf statement

character vectorfprintf

I am pretty new to matlab coding so I apologize in advance for my crude code lol. I am having some trouble trying to get the name that was input to be displayed with the question of "How much do you make per year, Name?"
Name = input('Hello, What is your name?','s');
Age = input('What is your age?');
if Age <= 100
fprintf('Your%3.0f thats not that old!\n',Age)
Salary = input('How much do you make per year?\n',Name);
if Salary < 15000
fprintf('You need to get a better paying job!\n')
else Salary >= 15000;
fprintf('Thats not to bad...\n');

Best Answer

Salary = input(['How much do you make per year, ',Name, '?']);
Salary = input( sprintf('How much do you make per year, %s?', Name) );