MATLAB: How to get the average of the inputs from this


My code is as follows:
x=input('Enter an exam grade from 0 to 100: '); %Prompts the user to input a value to begin the loop
while (x>=0) && (x<=100)
if x<60
F=F+1; %Adds to the total amount of grades in the category
elseif x<70
elseif x<80
elseif x<90
elseif x<=100
end %ends conditional statements to move to next input
x=input('Enter an exam grade from 0 to 100: '); %input runs within the loop until a value less than 0 or greater than 100 is entered
fprintf('There are a total of %.0f A''s scored on the exam.\n',A)
fprintf('There are a total of %.0f B''s scored on the exam.\n',B)
fprintf('There are a total of %.0f C''s scored on the exam.\n',C)
fprintf('There are a total of %.0f D''s scored on the exam.\n',D)
fprintf('There are a total of %.0f F''s scored on the exam.\n',F)

Best Answer

To get the mean score within each grade letter, you will have to sum them up
if x<60
F=F+1; %Adds to the total amount of grades in the category
FSum = FSum + x;
and so on for the other letters. Be sure to set FSum = 0 before the loop starts. Then after the look, just get the means
AMean = ASum / A;
BMean = BSum / B;
CMean = CSum / C;
DMean = DSum / D;
FMean = FSum / F;