MATLAB: How to get surf or pcolor to be colored properly


I have a set of data that represents coloring on a sphere. I want to project half of that data onto a circle. I'm trying to use pcolor and surf (according to the documentation on pcolor), but it seems that no matter what I do the circle just ends up being a solid color. Here is a sample of what my code would look like:
rho1(size(C1,1)) = 1;
theta_c1 = linspace(0,2*pi,size(C1,2));
[theta_c1,rho1] = meshgrid(theta_c1,rho1);
[xc1,yc1] = pol2cart(theta_c1,rho1);
C1 is taken from my data and represents the color data for surf or pcolor. If I just do pcolor(C1), then the colors turn out exactly how I would expect them to, except that they are not on a circle.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I found a solution. It turned out that the problem was that I was only using one radius value for rho1 instead of a list of values. When I changed it to a list of values (i.e. rho1 = linspace(0,1,num_vals)) before doing meshgrid and the conversion from polar to Cartesian coordinates it worked.