MATLAB: How to get string and numbers separately using csvread


How to get string and numbers separately from csv file using csvread. I have a csv file with "A-Z" numerical columns and 100 rows. Column "AA" is string
How to get the numerical and text field separately using csvread
M = csvread(excelFileName, 1, 1, [1 1 100 26]);
Error using dlmread (line 143)
Mismatch between file and format string.
Trouble reading 'Numeric' field from file (row number 1, field number 27) ==>
Error in csvread (line 49)
m=dlmread(filename, ',', r, c, rng);

Best Answer

When you get an error message, start with reading the documentation:
doc csvread
There you find:
The file must contain only numeric values.
This mean clearly, that you cannot import your file using csvread because: 'Column "AA" is string'. Use textread or readtable instead.
Note: You are a long term user of this forum. It does not look efficient, if it is still required to suggest reading the documentation.