MATLAB: How to get started with generating code for Robotics System Toolbox

Robotics System Toolbox

I have several ROS nodes that I created with MATLAB scripts and Simulink Blocks, but do not know how to generate code for them. How do I proceed doing this?

Best Answer

To get started with the Robotics System Toolbox, please refer to this link:
In the above link, you will see a link for Code Generation, click on it and you will see several examples on how to generate code for ROS nodes within Simulink and MATLAB.
To get you started right now, please refer to this link:
Follow the instructions there and it will guide you through Code Generation for MATLAB. Note that the %#codegen directive just needs to be added to the top of your M files.
Also, please refer to this link to understand the limitations of code generation for Robotic Systems Toolbox functions: