MATLAB: How to get specific axes handle in GUI with more then one axes

axesguiMATLABmatlab gui

Say I have GUI_1 with several axes. Now I start GUI_2 changes some settings and the corresponding axes in GUI_1 should change corresponding to the changes in GUI_2. Problem is I can't get the right axes-handle to refresh the correct axes.
findobj(HandleToGUI_1, 'type', 'axes')
gives me all axes and…
findobj(HandleToGUI_1, 'type', 'axes', '-and', 'Tag', 'TagForMySpecificAxes')
doesn't work…
How can I get the handle for my specific axes?

Best Answer

If the figure was created by GUIDE:

handles_GUI1 = guidata(HandleToGUI_1);
handles_GUI1.TagForMySpecificAxes   % May be called specifically, perhaps 'axes_<TAG>' 

You can store the wanted object manually by guidata also, when you do not use GUIDE. Using an already stored handle is faster than searching dynamically. If there is a huge number of elements in the GUI (hundreds), the delay is noticable.