MATLAB: How to get some part of the boxplot labels italic? I can not change the Interpreter to ‘tex’ somehow? Why? How to work around


I kind of have the same problem, which was asked here:
I want to have some parts of labels for boxplot italic but it just writes "\it" out. Somehow I cannot change the Interpreter to 'text'.
Also why is there no proper handle for the boxplot function like for any other plot?
This solution does not work! (MATLAB R2017a) The labels are still NOT italic and \it is still written there.
dados = rand(100,2);
boxplot(dados,'labels',{'\bf\it{IDEB}_2_0_0_7','\bf Efficiencies'})
h = findobj(gca, 'type', 'text');
set(h, 'Interpreter', 'tex');

Best Answer

Use the 'TickLabelInterpreter' property:
dados = rand(100,2);
boxplot(dados,'labels',{'\bf\it{IDEB}__{2007}','\bf Efficiencies'});
set(gca, 'TickLabelInterpreter', 'tex');
That worked when I tested it.