MATLAB: How to get single passband elliptical function over the whole band using ellip and freqz


I am trying to get an elliptic bandpass response with single pass-band over the whole unit circle from [0 to 2*pi], using ellip and freqz functions, but I am getting two passbands
Here is the code I get:
%Shifted frequency range that hosts the passband
alpha=[15e9 75e9]/120e9;
%Elliptical Bandpass Filter design
[b,a] = ellip(2,0.5,30,alpha,'bandpass',s);
%Frequency Selective Response
%The unit delay
%Obtaining Elliptical Bandpass filter matrix
[O1,w] = freqz(b,a,81,'whole');

Best Answer

Thank you Star Strider for your feedback, it worked with me, I highly appreciate your cooperation.