MATLAB: How to get rid off this problem in fzero


Hi everyone. I have these two functions. When I run them I get this error : Error using fzero (line 257) Function values at interval endpoints must be finite and real. Thanks in advance. function [Ps,vl,vv]= PRPsat(T,TC,Pc,w) PC=Pc*100000; R=8314; k=0.37464+1.54226*w-0.26992*w^2; aT=(1+k*(1-sqrt(T/TC)))^2; a=aT*0.45724*(R*TC)^2/PC; b=0.07780*R*TC/PC;
cc=[ -R*T, 2*a – 4*R*T*b, – 2*R*T*b^2 – 2*a*b, 4*R*T*b^3 – 2*a*b^2, – R*T*b^4 + 2*a*b^3]; Pr=(R*T./(roots(cc)-b)-a./((roots(cc).^2)+2.*b*(roots(cc)+b.^2)))/PC; Pr=sort(Pr); Psmin=(max(eps,Pr(3))+eps^(1/3))*PC; Psmax=(Pr(4)-eps^(1/3))*PC;
Ps=fzero(@IntMaxwell,[Psmin;Psmax],[],a,b,R,T); [I,vl,vv]=IntMaxwell(Ps,a,b,R,T); Ps=Ps/10000; end
function [I,vl,vv]=IntMaxwell(Psat,a,b,R,T) c=[1, -(-b+(R*T/Psat)),a/Psat-3*b^2-2*b*R*T/Psat, -(a*b/Psat-b^3-(b^2)*R*T/Psat)]; v=real(roots(c)); v=v(v>0); vl=min(v); vv=max(v); I=R*T*log((vv – b)/(vl-b)) – Psat*(vv-vl) + (2^(1/2)*a*(atanh(2^(1/2)/2 + (2^(1/2)*vv)/(2*b)))-atanh(2^(1/2)/2 + (2^(1/2)*vl)/(2*b)))/(2*b); end

Best Answer

The error message states the problem clearly.
Your objective is not defined at the endpoints of the interval that you supplied. So, if you evaluate the function at one of Psmin or Psmax, it will return a NaN or an inf.
How to fix it? Choose better for those limits.
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