MATLAB: How to get rid of zeros in data


I am plotting Efficiency vs. Acceleration. The formula for Efficiency is only valid if the vehicle is accelerating. Therefore, when the vehicle has a constant speed or is decelerating, it appears that Matlab gives it a value of zero. How do I get rid of all of the values of zero at the bottom of my plot?? Thank you so much, in advance!
Also, note that I tried:
but for some reason, that changed my data…I'm not sure why, and I'm not sure what to do! Thank you so much for your help.

Best Answer

I think you were on the right track with
But I would do this instead:
Index = [Conversion_Eff ~= 0];
Converserion_Eff = Conversion_Eff(Index);
Accel = Accel(Index);
Storing the index first is important, otherwise the 2nd comparison Conversion_Eff ~= 0 is with the already modified vector, Conversion_Eff which should not contain any 0 values.