MATLAB: How to get rid of this error when adding an element to the rows of a table


I have a table with strings and double values. When I try to add new element in each row I will get this value. Could some one explain me what can be done?
Warning: The assignment added rows to the table, but did not assign values to all of the table's existing variables. Those variables have been extended with rows containing default values. > In tabular/subsasgnDot (line 338) In tabular/subsasgn (line 67) In orderMain (line 140)

Best Answer

You're probably using the slowest and most complicated way to create a table.
tempslices = cellfun(@ctranspose, orderNewSlices, 'UniformOutput', false); %transpose the row vectors in the cell array to column vectors
DatTab = [table(rpmFixed(:), 'VariableNames', {'rpm'}), ...
cell2table(orderNewSlices, 'VariableNames', ...
[compose('Lss%d', 1:10), compose('IMS%d', 1:3), compose('HSS%d', 1:3)])]
should do the same.