MATLAB: How to get rid of lines connecting error bars

error barsMATLAB

Hello, I have the following code and resultant plot that, for some reason, produces lines to join each error bar.
I'd like to get rid of these joining lines and can't figure out how to do so. Any help is appreciated!
Here are my plot and code:
Fig 1.jpeg
% average excitatory firing rates for each A and B and A v B pre v post
hold on
valuesfrex=[mean(FrAex) mean(FrBex) mean(FrABex) mean(FrA2ex) mean(FrB2ex) mean(FrAB2ex)];
errex=[semAex semBex semABex semA2ex semB2ex semAB2ex];
set(gca,'XTickLabel',{'Pre Ex A','Post Ex A','Pre Ex B','Post Ex B','Pre Ex AB','Post Ex AB'});

Best Answer

Specify a marker only in your errorbar call: