MATLAB: How to get randperm to return a permutation of a vector that has no entries at their original positions

derangementpermutationrandom number generatorrandperm

I want take a random permutation of a vector such that all entries of the vector move to a new location.
For example, if I have a vector [1,2,3,4,5], then the following permutations are acceptable:
[2,1,4,5,3], [3,1,5,2,4], [5,4,2,3,1], etc.
However, for me, the following vector is not acceptable:
because the "3" has remained in the same location.
The "randperm" function in MATLAB allows for some of the entries in the vector to stay in the same position. Is there some way to use randperm that stops it from doing this? Or is there some other function out there that I am missing? (I have also looked at the functions "datasample" and "randsample" but they also do not seem to allow for this).
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