MATLAB: How to get more than 49 digits of pi in a string


nums = num2str(pi,x);
Returns only 49 digits when x is greater than 49. How can I get it to return more digits?

Best Answer

You could always download my HPF toolbox from the file exchange. It will provide 500100 digits of pi.
P = hpf('pi',500000);
cp = disp(P);
ans =
ans =
So 1000 digits of pi, plus a decimal point.
As I recall, I even computed those digits using HPF itself just to test the tool, and verify it was working correctly. I'm not sure which series I used, but there are many good ones out there if you look carefully. You do need to be working with a tool that can handle high precision arithmetic. A double will not suffice.
Be careful with the last digit reported to make sure it was not rounded. For example, if you do this:
the last 10 digits reported are ...9216420199
However, the true digits of pi in that vicinity run as: ...9216420198938095...
So the last digit reported by vpa is actually rounded up to a 9.