MATLAB: How to get minor ticks pointing outside the graph


I have a script which plots a histogram, and I have set it so that there is a main xtick every 50. I would like to also have minor ticks every 10, in addition, I want the minor ticks to be unlabelled also and pointing outside the graph. Help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks.
p = Length;
[j,qout] = hist(p,xbins); %Use 30 bins for the histogram
bar(qout,j/sum(j),'k'); %relative frequency is n/sum(n)
xlim([0 200]);
ylim([0 0.025]);
set(gca,'xtick', [0:50:200],'FontSize',15);
EDIT: I have put
In the code, but I still don't know how to set those ticks pointing outwards and to have a set no. of them.

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