MATLAB: How to get matlab to draw lines between points


Basically, I have to draw a pentagram. I've got the points, I just need the lines to be drawn between them. Here's my code so far:
axis equal
r = input('Enter the distance from the origin: ');
while r < 0
r = input('The distance must be greater than 0: ');
angle = linspace(0,2*pi,6);
x = r*sin(angle);
y = r*cos(angle);
I don't understand why adding the "-" part of 'or-' isn't making the lines show up.

Best Answer

To draw pentagram, the latter half of your script should be:
angle = linspace(0,2*pi,6);
x = r*sin(angle);
y = r*cos(angle);
idx = mod((1:2:12), 5) + 1;
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