MATLAB: How to get Gamma pdf from gamma cdf

gamma pdf. gamma cdf

Hello, everybody.
My question is this. i have a gamma cdf( cumulative distribution function) and corresponding x, now i want to get gamma pdf( probability distribution function) from the cdf data.
I have a the cdf and the corresponding x. such as:
peak 10% 30% 50% 70% 90% ///
49 17 42 64 91 136 ///
53 18 45 69 97 145
the first row is the cdf,this second and third row are the corresponding x, in meters.
I need get probability from 0 to 135m the step can be set 5 meter at interval.
How can I do this? thanks.

Best Answer

I think the page explains the approach you could take. You'll probably want to read the whole page, but the most relevant part is probably the section entitled "Non-Location-Scale Families", where gamma fitting is discussed explicitly.
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