MATLAB: How to get different input, depending on the last input

botif statement

So I need to make a chatbot script and i'm stuck on this part
x = input('+ ', 's');
if ismember(x,s)
disp('Hello, What''s your name?')
else disp('Don''t you say hello?')
So at this point if the user inputs hello I can ask for the next input which is the name. But if they don't, it displays the else situation. How do I go a different direction if the user doesn't say 'hello'? So for example, after displaying the else, if the user inputs 'hello' the script would return 'That is better, hello back' or something.
Sorry if i'm unclear, thanks.

Best Answer

ali - you could use a while loop to get the user to say/input 'hello' and then branch off to the next step which would be to get the name. Something like
x = input('+ ', 's');
s = {'hey','hi','hello'};
userIsRude = false;
while ~ismember(lower(x),s)
userIsRude = true;
disp('Don''t you say hello?');
x = input('+ ', 's');
if ~userIsRude
disp('Hello, What''s your name?');
disp(' said hello. What''s your name?');
You could then add the code to get the user to enter his/her name.