MATLAB: How to get CurrentPoint to display the coordinates within a figures axes rather than the coordinates of the whole figure itself.


Hi Everyone,
I'm totally new to matlab so please bear with me.
I've created a GUI using GUIDE which converts and plots data from .BIN files (not important but just to give context) and I want to be able to view the cursors current position relative to the axes scale.
I've managed to get the cursor position relative to the figure window by using
new_point = get(handles.figure,'CurrentPoint');
but since the axes don't have a 'CurrentPosition' nor a callback for 'WindowButtonMotionFcn' I can't seem to get values relative to my axes.
Is the only way to get around this to multiply the 'CurrentPosition' result (in my case 'new_point') by a vector equation which corresponds to the axes I've created, or is there another way to get around this?
In an ideal world I would be able to use DataCursor but unfortunately I'm using MATLAB version 6.1.
I'll be ever so grateful for any insight anyone could lend on this,

Best Answer

[x,y] = ginput(1);