MATLAB: How to get correlation for multiple columns

correlationmultiple column

As Matlab newbie I'm trying to get correlation of the first column itself and all the others, but can't handle.
Error: You cannot subscript a table using linear indexing (one subscript) or multidimensional indexing (three or more subscripts). Use a row subscript and a variable subscript.
My code:
X = table(Tmin.P1,Tmin.P2,Tmin.H1,Tmin.H2,Tmin.Z1,Tmin.Z2,Tmin.S1)
for i=1, k=0

Best Answer

Why not just calculate the entire correlation matrix, and then extract the first row or col?
cm = corr(X)
c1n = cm(:,1)
If X is a table, then you need to write something like
cm = corr(X{:,:})
cm = corr(X.Variables)