MATLAB: How to get correct values of a(n) from this equation. Attached is the code but it gives wrong values. where n=1…5,

for looploops

clc; close all; clear d=0.5; N=10; for n=1:N/2 sum=0; fderiv = @(f,x) (f(x+eps)-f(x))/eps; % Derivative of a function xderiv = @(x) ((x+eps)-x)/eps; % Derivative of an expression for k = 1:(N/2) x(k)=sin(2*(k+n-1)*pi/N)/(k+n-1) + sin(2*(k-n)*pi/N)/(k-n); if isnan( x(k) ) % Test for ‘NaN’ x(k) = fderiv(@sin, 2*(k-n)*pi/N)/(xderiv(k-n)); % L'Hospital's Rule end end sum=sum+x; an = (2/(N*pi))*(pi-sum); end display(an);% this is not giving the correct values????? an_manually=[-0.5736 -0.4197 -0.1352 0.2383 0.6486] % these are correct values

Best Answer

Here is what I have understood of your problem:
When you calculate a(n), you have a problem in the sum because when k=n the expression sin(2*(k-n)*pi/N)/(k-n) is undefined.
So you try to replace it by its limit when k tends toward n. To evaluate this limit you use L'Hospital's rule.
What I suggest you:
  • Maybe you should not test for NaN values, but test if k==n, it would be clearer.
  • As Jan told you, change the name of your sum, something like mySum for example.In the loop on k, you add x to mySum, so define x and not x(k):
for n=1:Nele/2
mySum = 0;
for k = 1:(Nele/2)
x = sin(2*(k+n-1)*pi/Nele)/(k+n-1) + sin(2*(k-n)*pi/Nele)/(k-n);
mySum = mySum + x;
an = ...
  • Then, when k=n, you forgot the first part of your expression in your code and it is unclear what is your variable. We consider the two functions corresponding to the numerator and the denominator of the expression you want to find the limit of:
f_num = @(k) sin(2*(k-n)*pi/Nele);
f_den = @(k) k-n;
You will use the derivative when k=n, so I think you don't need to evaluate it numerically, because the expression of the derivative taken in n is really simple: it is 2*pi/Nele for the numerator and 1 for the denominator. So your x is:
if k==n
x = sin(2*(k+n-1)*pi/Nele)/(k+n-1) + 2*pi/Nele;
I hope it helps