MATLAB: How to get common sub string in cell array string

common sub string

cell_arr =
3×1 cell array
{'A.A1.A11.A111' }
{'A.A1.A12.A121' }
How to get output = A.A1 ?

Best Answer

1- Download and unzip John D'Errico's FEX submission
2- Modify commonsubstring by replacing every
regexp(..., cellsubstr)
regexp(..., regexptranslate('escape',cellsubstr))
3- Call commonsubstrings in a loop, e.g.:
C = {'A.A1.A11.A111','A.A1.A12.A121','Event_State.Chart.A.A1.A12'};
S = C{1};
for k = 2:numel(C)
S = commonsubstring(S,C{k});
This returns the longest common substring (your output example is not the longest common substring):
>> S
S = A.A1.A1