MATLAB: How to get binary data image with the save button on the guide


I am segmenting and saving images that have been segmented. The image was successfully saved with jpg type but I don't know how to save binary data from a segmented image.
is there a solution for this?
global frame
[name_file_save, path_save]=uiputfile ({'*.jpg','JPEG Image (*.jpg)';},'save citra');
if isequal(name_file_save,0) || isequal(path_save,0)
msgbox('Image is saved', 'Foto_Editor')
imwrite(img, fullfile(path_save,nama_file_save),'jpg');

Best Answer

You don't need to use getframe(). That just saves a screenshot which will not even be the same size as the image you're hoping to save.
A segmented image is a binary / logical variable. You can save it with imwrite() if you cast to uint8. You might want to scale to 255 also.
% Make a uint8 image with values of 0 and 255 (so we can see it in the File Explorer thumbnail).
uint8Image = 255 * uint8(binaryImage); % binaryImage is your segmented image.
% Get base file name. Discard any extension they may have entered, like jpg.
[f, baseFileNameNoExt, ext] = fileparts(name_file_save);
% Construct full file name.
fullFileName = fullfile(path_save, [baseFileNameNoExt, '.png']); % NEVER use jpg for image analysis. Use PNG.
% Now do the actual save of the segmented image to disk as a PNG format image.
imwrite(uint8Image, fullFileName); % Save PNG image.
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