MATLAB: How to get apostrophe’s around each element in a matrix


I have a matrix that goes [0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 … 0130]. I now want to make it into the matrix ['0001' '0002' '0003' '0004' … '0130']. Is there a way to do this, as I noticed it's very hard to do with a for loop, since Matlab recognises 'any text here' as an input command.
I want to use this for the intents of reading multiple data files using the code:
for i = 1:130
OutputV1 = csvread(sprintf('scope_%s_1.csv', measnr{i})
Where at the %s the number given in the matrix should go. If there is any easier way to do this that goes around the problem please let me know as well.
Big thanks in advance

Best Answer

When you have a matrix filled with numerical entries, like
numeric_matrix = [1,2;3,4]
you can insert its elements into a char array by using %d
sprintf('scope_%d_1.csv', numeric_matrix)
if you want the number to have a constant length with leading zeros you can use %04d, now the number would print as '0005' for 5 or '0105' for 105
sprintf('scope_%04d_1.csv', numeric_matrix)
You could also always you the method of creating your char array by using num2str, but this method as slower than using sprintf()
['scope_' num2str(numeric_matrix(1),'%04d') '_1.csv']