MATLAB: How to get Analog Output from Advantech PCI 1710 series DAQ cards using M- files only

advantech daq analog output with m-filesData Acquisition Toolboxpci-1710 analog output problem

We are working on an under-graduate level project involving a real time system to which data is to be outputted and inputs are measured from the system's sensors . Analog Input measurement works fine with Advantech PCI-1710 card with the demos provided with Data Aquisition tool box in Matlab. All drivers are properly installed and the device diagnostics are fine, tests run normally.
But no demo was found for Analog outputting of data using advantech or nidaq. So we tried to use the following m-code:
AO = analogoutput('advantech')
chan = addchannel(AO,1)
duration = 4
ActualRate = get(AO,'SampleRate')
len = ActualRate*duration
The above code returns the following eror statement in the command window:
?? The analog output subsystem of this device does not support
clocked generation.
With this hardware you must output individual samples using
PUTSAMPLE and can not
use a combination of PUTDATA and START.
Error in ==> daqdevice.start at 62
start( daqgetfield(obj,'uddobject') );
Please help us a way out to get Analog outputs with Advantech card and using m-files only.

Best Answer

My first impulse would be to try to comment out the start(AO) and see what happened.